There are always new costumes. I have taken more that 1000 photos of people in costume, there are always more costumes. There are still thousands of costumes yet to be cosplayed. Here are the costumes I photographed for the first time from Comic Con 2009.
I know that I should add a link to each and everyone of these new costumes here. I know it would make it much easier for all my readers. It just ain't going to happen. There are way too many photos here. I have not even taged all of them yet in my photostream. You can go and hunt around my flickr photostream for the photos. I will also post some of them here. Here are a few links to make you happy. (right around now I wish this was a wiki)
Judge Dredd
Judge Hershey (Judge Dredd)
Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Mister Miracle
Spider Jerusalem (Transmetropolitan)
White Ranger (Mighty Morphing Power Ranger)
Balrog (Street Fighter II)
Member of HYDRA (Marvel Comics)
Henry Jones, Sr. (Indiana Jones)
Grail Knight (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)
Borg (Star Trek)
Hurley (Lost)
Dr Octopus (Spider-Man Villain)
Rita Repulsa (Mighty Morphing Power Rangers)
Buck Rodgers (30's Serials)
Nibbler (Futurama)
Agatha Clay (Girl Genius)
Juggernaut (x-men)
Selene The Black Queen (X-men villain)
Batman of Zur-En-Arrh (Batman)
Isabella "Bella" Swan (Twilight)
Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Moogle (Final Fantasy)
Pichu (Pokemon)
Kwame, Wheeler, Linka, Gi, Ma-Ti (Captain Planet and the Planteers)
Pepper Potts (Iron Man)
Lando Calrissian (Star Wars)
Zap Brannigan (Futurama)
Alliance Special Forces SpecForce Wilderness Fighters (Return of the Jedi)
Red Son Superman
Red Son Wonder Woman
Red Son Green Lantern
Doctor Thaddeus Venture (Venture Bros.)
Ewok (Return of the Jedi)
Sinestro (DC Comics)
Gilligan (Gilligan's Island)
Fred Flintston
Dr. Mrs. Monarch (Venture Bros.)
Iron Fist (Marvel Comics)
Scarlett (GI Joe)
Tyris Flare (Golden Axe: Beast Rider)
Yugioh Card (Yuguoh)
Peter Kriss (Kiss)
Jubilee (X-men)
Maude Lebowski (The Big Lebowski)
Girl Hitler (Venture Bros.)
Greatest American Hero
Neoshadows (Kingdom Hearts)
Frozen in carbonite Han Solo (Star Wars)
Golden Age Flash
T-1000 (Terminator)
T-X (Terminator)
Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars)
Cyborg Mouse (Cyborg Mice)
Lollipop King (South Park)
Classic Klingon (Star Trek)
Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd)
Sweeney Todd
The Shadow
Star Sapphire (DC Comics)
Nerd Herd (Chuck TV)
Captain Cold (DC Comics)
Invisible Man
Cortana (Halo)
Star Fox
Battleship Yamato Crew Member (Star Blazers)
Walter Kovacs (Watchmen)
Dr. Doom (Marvel Comics)
Buy More Employee (Chuck TV Show)
Baron Werner Ünderbheit
Dr. Orpheus
Triana Orpheus
Sergeant Hatred
Gordon Freeman (Half-Life 2)
Ant-Man (Marvel Comics)
"Willie" Scott (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
Classic Klingon
Blue Lantern
Flint (G.I.Joe)
Lady Jay (G.I.Joe)
Mockingbird (Marvel Comics)
Wasp (Marvel Comics)
Spy v. Spy (Mad Magazine)
Sweeney Todd
Glitch (Tin Man)
Gypsy (DC Comics)
Zombie Captain America
Dr Mid-Nite (DC Comics)
Atom (DC Comics)
Hour-Man (DC Comics)
North Star (Marvel Comics)
B-Wing Pilot (Star Wars)
Kratos (God of War)
Imperial Death Star Gunner (Star Wars)
Progressive Flo
Black Lantern (DC Comics)
Deadshot (DC Comics)
Scandal Savage (DC Comics)
Cat Man (DC Comics)
Hades (Disney)
Princess Nuala (Hellboy 2)
The Silhouette (Watchmen Movie)
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