Yeah, Mr Freeze is best played the way he is in the Batman cartoon. I like him as the reluctant villain who is trying to save his wife. I like the idea of Batman's villains having a wide range of motivations.
I have been playing with the Flickr Gallery feature. I created a Watchmen Costume Gallery. These are some of the best I have seen. I hope to keep it up to day.
Am I the only person who really loved the Spider-Man Clone storyline? I loved the idea that Peter Parker was really the Clone and Ben Reilly the real one. I still thought the Scarlet Spider was a good character. If this was DC, he would have stayed around.
There are tons of World War 2 comic book heroes and very few World War I comic book heroes. That could be because the first comic books did not show up until 1934.
I wonder why I do not see more Power Ranger costumes at conventions. It makes sense there would be more. I guess this fandom is not strong with adults.
Most of my friends hated Battlestar Galactica by the end. They think that the end of the show ruined it. My guess is that is not how the hard core fans feel. I have to agree with my friends that the ending sucked. It was a lot better before we had no idea who the cylons were.